presents "Three Steps to Job Fair Success." Watch this video to learn how to succeed at a job fair.
Hi, everyone. I'm Brian Krueger with and this is The Job Search Minute. Follow these three basic steps to job fair success. Number 1: do your homework. Know the employers who will be attending, and research them in advance. Seek to understand who they are as a company, and take time to review their job opportunities online. Number 2: when you arrive at the job fair, take time to walk the floor of the entire job fair take time to walk the job fair first to know where your target employers are located. Number 3: When you meet the employer step up confidently, shake hands, introduce yourself, and give your 30-second elevator pitch and sell your background toward meeting their needs, then diligently track each opportunity through to next steps. This has been The Job Search Minute, for more career information please visit